Saturday, August 24, 2019

Insurance Tips to Protect Your Assets and Your Bank Account

Have you conducted a business insurance review lately? Changes in your business equipment, real estate holdings, the amount of inventory, and the number of employees are all good reasons to review your insurance. Here are a few policy review tips to consider:
  • Keep in regular contact with your insurance company. Keep your insurance agent apprised of what you are doing in your business. Try to meet with your agent throughout the year, and conduct a detailed annual review of your insurance needs.
  • Understand how business changes affect your policy. Figure out how your policy covers common changes, as well as other changes you know are happening soon. This involves understanding the limits and terms of your policy. You can start by asking if you're properly insured for property damage, liability coverage, health and disability, and life insurance.
  • Conduct a competitive review. Periodically conduct a competitive review of your insurance needs. Bring in at least two other insurance providers, as well as your current provider. The frequency of the review will be driven by changes in your business, the stability of your current insurance provider, and the need to understand the evolving landscape of business liabilities. A review will keep your premiums competitive, as well as help you learn about coverage holes in your current policy.
  • Identify evolving coverage risks. As the business climate evolves, so should your insurance coverage. Think about what's on the horizon. Who would have anticipated the need to cover cyber attacks and identity theft 10 years ago?
  • Review safety plans and company policies. This goes hand-in-hand with a business insurance review. Make sure your team is adhering to established employment and operations policies. Getting an insurance claim approved and maintaining reasonable premiums often depend on specific factors you can reinforce through these policies.
Finding the right level of coverage for the right price is possible, but it takes some preparation and planning. Invest some time now to review your insurance policies to save a lot of potential pain and money down the road.

If you have questions, call us at (219) 769-3616 or email them to